Drawing-Diary-Nevhiz (English Version)

Mümtaz Sağlam, “Dissident Plane of the Image or the Practice of Drawing Alienating at Nevhiz”, (Authors of Other Chapters: Emre Altuğ, Elif Dastarlı, Murat Alat), Translation: Mehmet Emir Uslu, Graphic Design: Savaş Çekiç, Corpus Publications, 2017 İstanbul. (26×23 cm, Luxury Printed, Artist Book)

“…this skill of strong linear expression, achieved so rapidly in Nevhiz, also imparts easily the possibility of purifying the image and eliminating excesses. What transform in to painting and becomes the source of production here is the effective relationship of “innocence and violence” that is suggested via this linear language as a representational strategy. Believing in the sufficiency of linear language since the beginning and attempting to render it a legitimate expressive language. Nevhiz believes that linear quality bears a dense and effective visual potential. In the final analysis, begin able to blithely distance herself from the requirements of paint and to bring linear attitude and approach to an absolute and legitimate process of expression. Nevhiz is possibly in effort of a strong, conceptual and times, radical depiction.”